Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cambridge Bar Brawl Bracket Honorable Mentions (Part II)

Best Munchies
(according to
Groooovin’ Larry):

Fish & Chips at the Muddy Miser

Funniest Mental Image from the Market House Inn:

The NCR-made bartending machine sticking his
robotic balls in Gumie’s Sapphire Martini

Best Bar to See New Cambridge High School
Varsity Basketball Coach, Mike Andrews,
Sneaking into at 2:00 am:

Shakers Nite Club

Greatest Thing About the Old Holiday Inn Bar:

Seeing Gumie Wear Snaggletooth’s
Confederate Flag Panties like a Bandana

Best Memory from the Silver Eagle:

Me and E. Wayne Earp getting a free PBR
from bartender Kevin Hickman

Weirdest Memory from the Silver Eagle:

The time some sketchball challenged me to a
fight in the parking lot for staring at him

Stupidest Thing I Did During the
Cambridge Bar Brawl Bracket:

Walk across the railroad bridge behind
the Muddy Miser while Bobcat-faced

Best Joke about Old Washington:

The Union Army “Sneadgered” Morgan’s Raiders
like that were Ethan playing center in an
8th Grade Basketball game

Best Place to Buy Alcohol
Near New Concord:

The Cooler; you gotta love a place where
you can get your boat repaired and
buy a twelve pack of Natty Light.

Best Architectural Flourish
of Any Bar in Southeastern Ohio:

The Rocking Horse’s New Orleans-like balconies

Worst Architectural Flourish
of Any Bar in Southeastern Ohio:

Every revolting inch of Howdy’s Tavern

Gayest Architectural Flourish
of Any Bar in Southeastern Ohio:

[Insert Your Own Kent State Joke Here]

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